Under 36 first home bonus, what you need to know!

The incentives provided for by the Support Decree-bis 73/2021 include the First Home Bonus, a support aimed at under 36s about to buy their first home.
In force since 26 May 2021, with an initial deadline of 31 December 2022, it was extended by the “Sostegni bis” decree also for the year 2023 with confirmation of coverage until December 2023.

Who can claim the bonus?

Young people with a maximum age of 36, in possession of the following requirements:

  • ISEE less than 40 thousand euros
  • not be holders of other rights of property, use, usufruct, habitation or bare ownership
  • have residence, or decide to move it, in the municipality of purchase of the property.

What is the First Home Bonus?

Young people under the age of 36 will be able to access:

  • Credit for the purchase of the first home: the requirements for accessing the Guarantee Fund for the first home will be less stringent.
  • Tax benefits: exemption from registration, mortgage and land taxes, 50% reduction in notary fees, and for purchases subject to VAT, a tax credit is recognized equal to the VAT paid to the seller.

Quali immobili sono compresi nel Bonus Prima Casa Under 36?

The subsidy will concern both buildings and appurtenances, and specifically:

Dwellings classified in one of the following cadastral categories:
A/2 (civil)
A/3 (economic)
A/4 (popular)
A/5 (ultra popular)
A/6 (rural)
A/7 (villas)
A/11 (typical houses of the places).

Outbuildings classified in the Land Registry as:
C/2 (warehouses and storage rooms)
C/6 (as remittances)
C/7 (sheds).

First home bonus, how to apply?

To apply for the under 36 First Home Bonus, you must submit the application directly to the Bank or to a financial intermediary to whom the mortgage is requested. There is a special form that will be provided to the applicant for completion.
